Free Pop-Up Holiday Reset Breathwork Circle

Thursday 12/19/2024 at 4-5 pm MST / 6-7 pm EST

A virtual breathwork circle for those wanting to reset their Nervous System prior to launching into more Holidays!

Take time to nurture your mind, body and soul. This circle will be comprised of a 15 minute introduction to breathwork and intention setting, followed by 30 minutes of breathwork and 15 minutes of debriefing.

This is an opportunity for you to take space for yourself to calm your thoughts and body, reset your Nervous System and tune into your body and soul. Breathwork is meant to help you shut off your thinking mind and feel more. People often have spiritual and expansive experiences and downloads as you are much more able to tap into your body and soul’s wisdom during breathwork. It is as close as you can get to a psychedelic “good trip” as one can get without drugs and often provides you with that same sort of expansive experience.

Going into the Holiday season, we often want to show up as open hearted as possible, increasing the opportunity for connection, while also holding necessary boundaries with our loved ones. I have found breathwork to be the most effective route to identifying how to best connect with my loved ones. After all, my soul craves love and connection most, so when I breathe, my mind, body and soul prioritizes connection and love above all else : )

I hope you join me in this new venture to share my passion for breathwork with you. I truly find it remarkable as a healing and expansive modality. After 15+ years as a healer, I have tried many things and I am so excited to share this with you! Learn more about me by reading my bio here if you like!

Breathwork is contraindicated for folks with epilepsy, heart and blood pressure issues, those who are pregnant, those who have had strokes or aneurysms, recent abdominal surgery and those with a past or current diagnosis of bipolar or schizophrenia.

No experience necessary. Come prepared with a private space with room lay down, a yoga mat or blankets to put under you if you like, some pillows, blankets, chapstick and any sacred items you wish to bring with you (oracle cards, crystals, altar items).

To sign up, please complete this consent form by clicking the link below and I will send you the invite!