Breathwork is the practice of using the breath to connect to deeper levels of consciousness to elicit transformation on a cellular and spiritual level.
With breath, you cannot be in your ego or head, you must drop past the intellect into your energetic and spiritual existence.
I use a variation of a yogic breath, called the Dirgha Pranayama breath. This breath has roots in the spiritual practice of yoga and also has been shown in scientific studies to improve blood flow to the body and brain as well as reduce stress and increase resiliency.
Breathwork is contraindicated for individuals who are pregnant and those with heart health issues, seizure disorders, blood pressure issues, asthma or stroke.
I have found breathwork to be the most powerful way to drop out of spiraling thoughts and into my body and spirit. With breathwork, you are given the gift of 30 minutes free from your ego. The possibilities are endless. I have experienced:
spiritual downloads in the form of imagery
deep trauma release through sensations moving in my body
significant physical releases related to fears and limiting beliefs
cosmic connections and out of body experiences
energetic charges in my body
powerful emotional releases making space for new possibilities
I have heard others speak of orgasmic and other unexpected experiences.
I have been shocked at just how powerful the breath is after spending 15 years in the healing fields. I have spent time learning so many different types of modalities and breathwork is by far the quickest and most effective route to spiritual and energetic shifts.
Have more questions about breathwork or interested to try? Shoot me an email at kim@kimmassale.com or hit the button below to sign up for a free consultation to discuss!