Somatic Work & Dance Movement Healing
When you connect to your body, you bypass the ego and intellect so you may heal and transform on a deeper level, more efficiently.
Connection to the body in psychotherapy has been shown to significantly improve therapeutic outcomes. When we are trying to think our way to evolution, we get caught in the trap of the ego, delaying and preventing growth.
Somatic work is the practice of tuning into the body for wisdom in order to break through old wounds, limiting beliefs and constrictions. Through the body, we can circumvent intellectual and ego defenses. We create a direct line to healing on a deeper level. And through dance and movement, we can often deepen even more into the spiritual plane.
I have found somatic work to be one of the most powerful avenues to efficient and significant growth. In sessions we may dance, use the body to release old stuck energy, alchemize old pain into new possibilities and tune into spiritual energy. Experiences you may have in somatic or dance / movement may be:
spiritual downloads
connection to your power
deep trauma release through sensations moving in my body
significant physical releases related to fears and limiting beliefs
recognition of boundaries and how to assert them
tapping to your voice
connecting with pleasure and joy and love and much more
powerful emotional releases making space for new possibilities
I LOVE using somatic and dance practices with clients. Dance is a direct line to source. Through our bodies and our free flow of movement, we can let go of thinking and exist with our soul.
Have more questions about somatic or movement practices or interested to try? Shoot me an email at kim@kimmassale.com or hit the button below to sign up for a free consultation to discuss!